Blue Mountain Arts Poetry Contest

Little Brother
by Hannah Zellers

TwEnty-Eighth Contest
third Place

I'm buttoned up
Prim and giving orders.
An older-sister syndrome
that comes with little brothers.

But here I am
A breeze whispering
and crisp, chill air
bursting with October.
The moon is right
barely risen, but I wait...
The ride is ready.
You beckon.

I board, pajama clad.
Thumbs up and we're off like a bobsled
gaining speed
Bouncing, jouncy
over gravel road and lonely field.
You aim for every jostle
for every jolt and drama.
You laugh so hard
that I laugh too.

Outrageous conveyance
sticky with Winesap and Gala
smelling sharp
yet sweet
of recent gifts beneath autumn's tree.
I breathe in deep
and wonder what I'm doing.
Sometimes I mystify me.

The world glows soft
and silver
Like rich men's finery, polished.
You act like it's from you.
And it is.
A late night ride in a wheelbarrow
Like it's a silvery drive in a coach and four.
And it is.

And I'm a sister starched
like a Sunday shirt
that swings in the breezes blowing.
Cool. Fresh. Freeing.
I breathe deep.
I imagine.
I dream with both eyes open.
And I wonder
at the little imp inside of me,
Beside of me
Urging me on to starlit places,
Firefly chases.
That imp, my little brother.

About the Author
Hannah Zellers is a 19-year-old from the Smoky Mountains who loves good stories, outdoor adventures, and being with her brothers. She continues to be amazed at the places they take her. See more of their adventures and creative works at